Spirit of Conception
$ PRE-ORDER Pre-order: available now - release date end of March! Be among the first to experience this captivating presentation! Discover the rich history and sacred wisdom that [...]
African Sacred Cosmology
PURCHASE FULL PRESENTATION This bespoke lecture was delivered at Westminster City Hall to the Westminster Multifaith network on the 25th of July 2024. It presents 6 unifying tenets that [...]
The Empire that banned a Faith System
WATCH FREE REPLAY Donations welcome! (Short film) A video survey of UK residents to identify their attitudes and opinions on Religious Tolerance in the United Kingdom and the [...]
Free Video E-course
$FREE SUBSCRIBE Ancestral Voices FREE 5-Day Video E-course. It is designed spread awareness to those who may be new to the concept of African Spirituality and [...]
Home Study Course
DIGITAL $ Digital video stream for documentaries PHYSICAL $ DVDs of documentaries & Paperback Book The physical DVD package [...]
Esoteric African Knowledge
ESOTERIC AFRICAN KNOWLEDGE WATCH FILM $ SYNOPSIS Ancestral Voices: Esoteric African Knowledge (Digital Stream) Avant-garde at its time of release, it is the first film to [...]
Spirit Is Eternal (Film)
SPIRIT IS ETERNAL WATCH DIGITAL STREAM $ SYNOPSIS Ancestral Voices: Spirit is Eternal (Digital Stream) This educational documentary explores the breath and depth of African Indigenous [...]
Divine Destiny
WATCH PRESENTATION $ A 36min in-depth video lecture on the Cosmological principle of the Divine Destiny found across African Spiritual systems. It covers the sacred concepts across [...]
Spirituality of the West African Kingdoms
This Academic presentation was delivered in 2018 at The Black Cultural Archives, London, as part of Robin Walker's "West African Kingdoms Course". It was added as a [...]
The Case For African Spirituality
WATCH VIDEO PRESENTATION The seminars are free and we intended to make them so, but the platform that holds our content, does not allow this volume of content [...]
Water in African & Diasporic Cosmologies
WATCH VIDEO $ Originally created for the Water, God & Spirit Conference 2023, 'Water in African & Diasporic Cosmologies' is a presentation exploration into the primordial element of [...]
African Sacred Science – A Quantum Exploration
WATCH PRESENTATION $ . "When Europeans first came to Africa, they considered the architecture very disorganized and thus primitive. It never occurred to them that the Africans might [...]
Spirit Is Eternal (Book)
PURCHASE BOOK $ PURCHASE FILM $ ANCESTRAL VOICES: SPIRIT IS ETERNAL A classic in its genre, this book has been [...]
The Spiritual Power of African Storytelling
WATCH PRESENTATION $ A video lecture that explores the concept of African storytelling and its role in traditional societies. It expounds on the notion of this practice being [...]
Elemental Ritual
VIDEO PRESENTATION $ Elemental Ritual is an educational and practical forum for expanding our understanding of and connection to Nature's forces & flows, how it works through [...]
Transformative Self Full Package
ACCESS FULL COURSE $ A 6-part video lecture series that expounds on the sacred notions in African Cosmologies of Personhood, inherent Divinity and direct connection to Natural [...]
Living An African Spiritual-Centred Life
. ACTUALISING THE SELF $ The introductory course bridges the gap [...]
Mentalism Collection
WATCH VIDEOS $ A video collection dedicated to exploring the power of Mentalism and its impact on our reality, featuring our two titles Mentalism In African Indigenous [...]
Memories Of Potential
WATCH VIDEO PRESENTATION This is the recorded version of Dalian’s Adofo’s presentation at the 39th Annual Conference for the Association of the Study of Classical African Civilisations (ASCAC) held [...]
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