Re-imagining Witchcraft
Buy Tickets Virtual Event: Link to join provided once booking is made! An essential and critical exploration of the concept of 'Juju' - a term used in a derogatory manner, similar to the word 'Obeah' in the Caribbean, to distort understanding of and cause fear of African sacred practices. It will cover Juju as a notion of force or expression not merely limited to the realm of the sacred, but also as a means of dispossessing Africans of their cultural capital, cultural-production processes and systems. Topics to be covered include: Régine Romain - what is juju? what are the positive and negative aspects of juju? How do practitioners use amulets [...]
GONDWANA: Two Cosmologies, shared visions
Buy Tickets Virtual Event: Link to join provided once booking is made! A dive into the shared cosmological perspectives and cultural values in African and Latin American indigenous worldviews and knowledge systems. Topics covered include shared notions on the primacy of spirit, multidimensionality of being, ancestral veneration and more. Special Guest: Marimer Berberena is an adjunct professor, researcher, writer, and passionate explorer of ancient history and cultural foundations. With a PhD in Africology and African American Studies from Temple University, her work focuses on the deep connections between Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America—especially the cultural and spiritual practices that have endured across generations. She has studied African cultural retention [...]
BWITI COSMOLOGY: Studies with an Initiate
Buy Tickets Virtual Event: Link to join provided once booking is made! A deep-dive into the Bwiti sacred Traditions with Nzambe Divanga, exploring its philosophical and practical aspects. A discourse covering its sacred conceptions and herbal technologies, Ancestors, their pantheon of deities and rituals and ceremonies for communing with sacred teaching plants and maintaining social cohesion. The essential role of the sacred plant, Iboga, in Bwiti knowledge systems will also be covered, as well as its ceremonial and therapeutic uses.
Sacred Healing Roots
BOOK TICKET SACRED HEALING ROOTS: Plants, ceremonies & traditional healing Physical Event: The Ton of Brix, 414 Coldharbour Ln, SW9 8LF Sat 26th Apr, 12 - 5pm, London. 12pm: Doors Open, Market open 12.30pm: Introductions to lecture series and participants 1st lecture: 1 – 1.45pm: Nature's Sacred Healing Corpus by Dalian Yaw Ogundipe Adofo, MA Dalian will cover the nature and use of plants in African spiritual contexts and their associated therapeutic uses. The presentation will explore the African worldview of our sacred connection to, union with and symbiotic relationship with the flora and fauna realm. It will investigate the nature of 'sacred plants' used in spiritual work and unpick [...]
Beyond The Womb (Replay Available)
WATCH REPLAY Enjoy the replay by supporting us with a donation Maimouna Jah, educational speaker and passionate advocate for creating safer spaces for Black mothers in Germany, joins us to share her invaluable wisdom. Her deep motivation to support mothers comes from her own painful experience with infant loss and the lack of adequate support, especially for Black mothers during pregnancy. Understanding the unique challenges many women face, Maimouna is dedicated to making sure no one feels alone in their journey. With a strong belief in holistic approaches to women’s health, she has partnered with Verona from Ancestral Voices to include cultural and spiritual wisdom to help women navigate their [...]
The Empire that Banned a faith Q&A (Free Replay)
WATCH THE FREE REPLAY Q&A for the self-initiated video survey of UK residents to identify their attitudes and opinions on Religious Tolerance in the United Kingdom and the legacy of the British Empire on African spiritual systems and expressions from 1898 till 2025! This short film explores current perspectives and attitudes on the religious provisions made by the UK government for different faiths and religions practised in its society in accordance with its 5 core values. It examines the roles faith systems can play in promoting greater understanding and tolerance of other cultures and the impact the legacy of the British Empire has had and continues to have on African [...]
African Sacred Cosmology Q&A
FREE REPLAY - WATCH Q&A Donations welcome! Catch the replay of our Q&A discussion that introduces the video lecture on African Sacred Cosmology, which presents 6 unifying tenets that codify and provide a framework for African sacred cosmologies and their associated spiritual practices from antiquity to the present; on the continent and in the Diaspora. These tenets include - The Supreme creative force: the origins of existence and creation Forces of Nature: the Elemental energies that exist within Nature and maintain an interactive dynamic with humans Personhood and Ancestorhood: what constitutes a person, their purpose and role in life and as departed members of a lineage Divination: Means of perceiving [...]
Kemetic Wellness (Replay Available)
VIDEO REPLAY $ Rekhit Kajara Nia Yaa Nebthet, medicine woman, energy healer, educator, author and founder of Ra Sekhi Arts Temple joins us to share her profound wellness wisdom. After healing herself intuitively at the age of 16 Rekhit Kajara Nia Yaa Nebthet has dedicated her life to promote health, wellness and natural living to our community. She is a natural healer as well as a teacher, sharing lessons in health, wellness, women's health, womb wellness, energy healing, black history, yoga, and metaphysical sciences. Rekhit Kajara Nia Yaa Nebthet is initiated into multiple traditions including the mysteries of the Akan and is a priestess of Sango, Yemaya and Oya. Her [...]
Surviving2024, Navigating 2025 (Replay available)
WATCH REPLAY $ 2024 can be likened to a collective initiation which has forced us out of our comfort zone pushing us into a realm of uncertainty. Leading to a rollercoaster of a year full of emotional highs and lows that, while challenging, has also imparted crucial lessons to equip us with valuable knowledge to navigate the future. This transformational phase has also provided an opportunity for introspection, encouraging us to consider what we value most, what we need to release, and what we truly want to bring into our lives. This gathering explores the challenges experienced in 2024, sharing insights learned along the way and offering tips for a [...]
Psychedelics in Africa: The Untold Story Revisited (Replay Available)
WATCH REPLAY Darren Springer (Aka Darren Le Baron) joins us to discuss some of the groundbreaking research featured in his webinar series, Psychedelics in Africa: The Untold Story. This series takes a closer look at the ancient history, mythology and scientific studies surrounding the use of psychoactive plants and fungi. For centuries these powerful plant medicines have been used by Africa's earliest indigenous peoples for spiritual and community growth, although rarely discussed by modern scholars. Many communities across Africa still use these sacred plants in their rites of passage, initiation ceremonies, spiritual communication, healing and daily rituals. This presentation encompasses both African and Diasporic cultures, offering valuable information through academic [...]
Neurodiversity & Holistic Wellbeing (Replay Available)
WATCH REPLAY Neurodiversity refers to the diverse ways our brains can function, including conditions like ADHD, autism and dyslexia. Neurodiverse individuals often display remarkable creativity and a deep spiritual connection. Their heightened sensory awareness allows them to notice the delicate details of nature and sense subtle energy fluctuations within themselves and others. Historically, these gifted individuals were the healers, seers, and shamans in the community due to their adept ability to traverse between the physical and spiritual realms of existence. In addition to their gifts, they may also struggle with increased anxiety, mental fatigue, memory lapses, low self-esteem, procrastination, and other challenges associated with these conditions. Our gathering, Neurodiversity & Holistic [...]
Black Mental Health & Psychedelic Therapeutic Potential
WATCH REPLAY $ Delving deep into the realms of Psychedelics & Healing, this live interactive presentation marks the second instalment of a captivating 3-part series. African cultures have had a long history of using psychedelics for mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, currently in the medical field psychedelics are being hailed as a breakthrough treatment for depression and addiction. This presentation delves into the impact of psychedelics on black communities and its mental & spiritual benefits for holistically treating trauma in communities of color. Join us for this presentation as we discuss the latest approaches and current healing techniques for addressing conditions such as depression, addiction, and PTSD. Educator and researcher [...]
Ancestral Enjoyment (Replay Available)
WATCH REPLAY Ehime is an African scholar, writer, artist, and priestess-in-training who has dedicated her life to facilitating ancestral connections, generational healing, and personal alignment for people who need it the most. Ehime has been drawn to global spiritual practices since she was a young child growing up in Ibadan, Nigeria before immigrating to the states. Her search for the Creator inspired her to build a life rooted in religious pluralism. She is formally initiated into Yoruba’s Ifá, Sango, Erinle and Osun. Ehime holds ancestral connections to various mami wata spirits within Urhobo’s Igbe-Ame and Edo’s Iha Ominigbon. Ehime’s work makes space for joy, introspection, and spiritual well-being. Her work draws [...]
Psychedelics & Ancestral Healing (Replay Available)
WATCH REPLAY Psychedelics have long played a significant role in various African cultures, particularly in the realm of healing and spirituality. These mind-altering substances, derived from plants such as iboga and psilocybin mushrooms, have been employed by African communities for centuries to open the doorway for deep introspection, facilitate communication with ancestors, and confront physical and psychological ailments. Educator and researcher Darren Le Baron is a keen mushroom cultivator and has been growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms for over ten years. Darren is a knowledgeable and dynamic speaker who is passionate about sharing his research and findings on ancient African plant medicines, the history and various applications. Delving deep into [...]
Divination (Replay Available)
WATCH REPLAY Divination plays a crucial role in African cultures and is deeply rooted in ancestral traditions and cosmologies, providing individuals with guidance, insight, and solutions to life’s challenges. The practice of divination serves as a means to connect with the spiritual world, ancestors, and divine forces. Enabling assistance with decision-making when faced with important choices. Divination also provides the ability to diagnose and address spiritual, emotional, and physical ailments. Queen Mother Iyalode Yeyefini Efunbolade, initiated priestess of Obatala, Ifa, Osun, Egbe, Egungun & Palo Mayombe is a gifted and experienced diviner and joins us to share her wisdom about divination and its various expressions across cultures and how it [...]
Release & Transmute: Emotional Healing Sessions (Recurring)
NEXT DATE TBC 3-5PM ET Limited spaces Release & Transmute... (online sessions via Google Meet) This communal healing space is open to all and provides the opportunity to still the mind, connect to deeper aspects of self and become receptive of the messages communicated by one’s own spirit. Using a series of practices including meditation, sound, breathwork and visualisation, we will be working on our own personal spiritual evolution, including heightening intuition, developing more awareness of self and working through emotional blockages. This transformative gathering provides a safe and nurturing environment for a range of experiences, such as: • Connecting with elevated [...]
Neurodiversity & Spirituality (Replay Available)
WATCH REPLAY Neurodiversity refers to the natural variation in how our brains function, encompassing conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more. While these neurological differences may present challenges in certain areas of life, they also bring unique strengths and perspectives that can greatly enrich our spiritual understanding. Neurodiverse individuals often have heightened sensory perception enabling greater capacity to notice and appreciate the intricacies of nature, art, or even subtle energy shifts within themselves and others. This different cognitive style can lead to unique insights and perspectives on spiritual matters. In this group participation conversation, we will be exploring: • Shamanic perspectives of mental health/neurodiverse conditions. • Connections between healers, [...]
Healing with the Elements (Replay Available)
WATCH VIDEO Join us for an incredible session with Professor Bayyinah Bello, the founder of FONDASYON FELICITEE (FF), an esteemed Vodou Practitioner, Educator, and Author. With over 50 years of wisdom and extensive research, Professor Bello specializes in Ayitian Ourstory, education, and linguistics. During this event, Professor Bello will speak on the topic of "Healing Ourselves with the Elements." She will delve into our interconnected relationship with nature and guide us on using various aspects of the natural world to maintain our mental, physical, and emotional health. Topics include: Using fire as a form of healing Ways to work with the moon to enhance our life experience Spiritual and health [...]
Preparing For Initiation (Replay Available)
WATCH REPLAY Queen Mother Iyalode Yeyefini Efunbolade is an initiated priestess of Obatala, Ifa, Osun, Egbe, Egungun & Palo Mayombe. She is a gifted and experienced diviner, author, cultural consultant, teacher, lecturer amongst many other responsibilities. Iyalode Yeyefini joins us to discuss the process of initiation and address any questions or concerns surrounding this area and share valuable insight into ways we can cultivate healthy relationships between ourselves and ancestors for spiritual growth. Questions answered/areas covered include include: Why does initiation cost $$? Is initiation required for everyone? How do you navigate this area with so many spiritual charlatans around? Will getting initiated solve my problems? What is a roots [...]
Called By The Water Spirits (Replay Available)
WATCH REPLAY In this session we will be exploring the primordial element of water and the spirits/energies that inhabit the various bodies of water as expressed in African spiritual cosmologies. Specifically addressing what is known as being 'called by the water spirits' which refers to a widespread concept found in the Traditions about water spirits choosing their priests and priestesses. This calling can manifest in one's life in various ways and can cause disturbances, until the calling is noted and accepted. Topics covered include: - Ways to identify if you have been called by the water spirits - The primordial waters and its connection with the divine feminine, sexual & [...]
Spiritual Spouses (Replay Available)
WATCH REPLAY In this enlightening session we will be joined by Alafia "Ifabowale Osundamilola" Stewart a highly respected Iyanifa, motivational speaker, educator, and leadership mentor. Her unique perspective as a second-generation practitioner and community activist, coupled with her experiences as a child practitioner within a Christian education system, provides a refreshing lens through which she navigates discussions on the Orisha faith, fostering dialogue and understanding between different belief systems.Alafia Stewart's vision extends beyond all borders, as she fervently promotes awareness and appreciation of African traditional, diasporic, and indigenous practices as vital healing points for descendants of enslaved Africans. Through her online safety classes and invaluable advice, Alafia empowers newcomers to [...]
Mental Illness or Spiritual Gift? (Replay Available)
WATCH REPLAY In this insightful 2 hour session we will be speaking with Co-Founder of The Makhosi Foundation, ancestral medicine healer Gogo Ekhaya Esima, who is connected to the traditions of Southern Africa, iSangoma practices. Her experience with mental health crises profoundly shifted into a beautiful journey of growth and initiations that eventually led her to supporting others with spiritual ascension symptoms. Her ancestral calling helped to ignite a life saving, deep remembrance, of the ancient ways within her that were forgotten but not lost. She is an author and a mentor with a global practice rooted in the concepts of ubuntu. Topics covered include: - The relationship between mental [...]
Ancient Future (Replay Available)
WATCH VIDEO REPLAY In this powerful 2-hour session we will be joined by Wayne B. Chandler internationally known as the author of the acclaimed book, Ancient Future: The Teachings and Prophetic Wisdom of the Seven Hermetic Laws of Ancient Egypt. He is a motivational speaker, healer, energy & yoga practitioner and multi-disciplined martial artist. He was a regular contributor and co-author in eight publications of the Journal of African and Asian Civilizations, a series of books produced annually and edited by renowned Professor Ivan Van Sertima and published by Rutgers University. With several decades of accumulated wisdom around African and Asian civilization, philosophy and culture, Wayne B. Chandler has a [...]
Mediumship: Communing with Spirit (Replay Available)
WATCH REPLAY In this insightful 2-hour session we will be joined by ordained Yoruba Ifa Priestess, spiritual coach, cultural consultant, author and lecturer Iyalode Yeyefini Efunbolade. With over 50 years of being initiated into Orisha, Iyalode Yeyefini possesses a wealth of knowledge and will share valuable wisdom to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between spirit and ourselves, whilst answering any questions the attendees have. Topics covered will include: The relationship with ancestors & spiritual guides Identifying spirits The significance of trance MORE VIDEOS FROM YEYEFINI
Decoding Spiritual Signs (Replay not available)
REPLAY NO LONGER AVAILABLE We all have our own unique experience with spirit, so the best person to understand what spiritual messages are being delivered is ourselves. However, sometimes we need support in our journeys to help see beyond our own perception. This open forum discussion will explore the area of spiritual communication and the various ways spirit manifests in our lives, whilst collectively providing assistance with identifying symbolism and decoding messages. The session will include: - Examples of various ways communication may take place. - Dream interpretation - Strategies to help identify what messages are being expressed - Participants will be free to share their sightings if they [...]